Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Blue Cradle is committed to te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of partnership, participation and protection. Our goal is to co-design, co-lead and bring mutual benefits to iwi, hāpū, and whānau.

The spirit of Blue Cradle is global citizenship, trust and collaboration. The ocean is our common nation. With a multicultural background and Human Rights philosophy inherited from our Founder’s place of origin, Geneva (home to the United Nations), we are 100% committed to upholding the inalienable rights of refugees, Indigenous Peoples and minorities.
Our team is international and domestic, with roots in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific. At our core, biculturalism, and an understanding that western science together with Indigenous knowledge can contribute to the understanding of the natural world.
For marine protection, ecosystem regeneration and ocean health, we believe local customary fisheries management tools (e.g. rahui, taiāpure, mātaitais), to be essential to manage the marine environment, preserving mahinga kai practices.
In this regard, we are actively engaging with Tangata Whenua (People of the land) to participate in our science and education activities. We work together in co-design, co-decision-making and co-monitoring with members from hāpū, iwi and whānau across all our marine conservation and ocean literacy education mahi (work).
If you are an iwi, hāpū or whānau interested in working with Blue Cradle, please contact us: contact@bluecradle.org