He Toka Tū Moana Declaration
The He Toka Tū Moana Declaration proposes to form a National Marine Conservation Alliance for Aotearoa NZ. There is an urgent need to act, and we are calling for an ambitious work programme. We hope to bring many partners along on this journey. Join us!

You can view the the He Toka Tū Moana Declaration below by clicking on the front page (PDF).
We released it on World Ocean Day, June 8th 2023.
Supporters of the Declaration
We invite all community groups, Trusts, Foundations, iwi, hapū and non-governmental organizations to support this call to action by sending us their logo. These will be added below to this page.
Immensely respective of previous mahi/work in this space (and subsequent failures) and while taking a humble yet determined position, Blue Cradle acknowledges that it will take a collaborative and transparent effort to bring these brave ideas to life. We invite any individuals, community organisations, Trusts, Foundations, iwi and hapū supportive of their intent to join us in advocating for them and working to make them happen, wherever, and whenever possible. If you wish to support this kaupapa/project, send your logo to: contact@bluecradle.org