Blue Cradle Foundation joins IUCN as member

On 14th November 2023, following the IUCN Council which took place in Fontainebleau, France, our organisation the Blue Cradle Foundation was welcomed as a National NGO member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
By joining IUCN, we will benefit from IUCN’s scientific credibility, its unsurpassed knowledge base and convening power, extensive networking opportunities and access to high-level political, economic and social decision making. Member benefits include:
Members use IUCN’s data, analysis, assessments, guidelines, standards and best practices to advance their conservation agendas as well as contributing to this knowledge.
The Union substantially boosts Members’ power to influence the conservation agenda, both individually via IUCN’s democratic processes, and collectively.
With its vast portfolio of projects and strong track record and relationships with donors, IUCN has an unparalleled ability to bring Members into project work.
Being a Member of IUCN will enable us to advance our own cause and strengthening common action in overcoming barriers to a sustainable future. We want to sincerely thank our supporters, Dr Catherine Iorns, Regional IUCN Councillor, Oceania, ECO NZ and Mission Blue for having supported our membership process.
More info here about IUCN membership.